CLASSIC BLEND - [Cig Series] – FOOM Lab Global
CLASSIC BLEND - [Cig Series]
CLASSIC BLEND - [Cig Series]
CLASSIC BLEND - [Cig Series]
CLASSIC BLEND - [Cig Series]
CLASSIC BLEND - [Cig Series]
Aquarius [Flooid Zodiac Series] - FOOM Lab Global
Aquarius [Flooid Zodiac Series] - FOOM Lab Global

CLASSIC BLEND - [Cig Series]

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šŸ‚Classic Blend šŸ‚

Setelah memiliki tiga varian dari Cigarette Series, kini FOOM menghadirkan rasa terbaru bernama Classic Blend
Rempah cengkeh pilihan dengan rasa smoky dan aroma yang khas. Dilengkapi sentuhan rasa dingin yang memberikan kenikmatan otentik.
Classic Blend akan menyempurnakan setiapĀ momenĀ anda!

Cooling: Low Coldness [1/5]
Bold: Medium [3/5]
Aroma: High [4/5]
Throat Hit: Medium [3/5]
Sweet: Low Sweetness [2/5]
- Tobacco
- ā Floral Spice
-Ā ā HintĀ Jackfruit


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