FOOM Stick and Refillable Cartridge – FOOM Lab Global

FOOM Stick

Stick: An e-cggrte device with rechargeable battery. FOOM’s small size with the length of a cigarette makes it comfortable to hold and carry. Its close resemblance to a USB flash drive adds to its overall sleek appeal.

Refillable Cartridge: E-juice cartridge that contains liquid nicotine called nicotine salts. One full cartridge equals to 350 puff or one pack of cggrte.

Fascinating Design

Its sleek and simple design is carefully designed to give your hands comfortable handling and visually appealing.

Convenient to Use

No button and complicated setting. Just take a puff and enjoy.

Smooth Delivery

Experience rich flavor and smooth nicotine hit, thanks to our Dual Air Hole technology that allows for better airflow.



Battery Capacity

Charging Time

Available Puffs in

Full Power Status

Battery Life Cycle

Power Out

Device Weight



: 230 mAh

: 30-40 minutes


: >350 puffs

: >300 full cycles

: 5W

: 13g

Refillable Cartridge



Heating Resistance

Available Puffs

Cartridge Weight



: 0.8 ml

: 1.5 – 1.6 Ω

: 250 - 300 puffs

: 2.5g

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