FOOM - Liquid GUAVA CHERRY Zodiac Series Flooid – FOOM Lab Global
FOOM Guava Cherry Zodiac Series – e-liquid saltnic 30ML dengan rasa jambu dan ceri, perpaduan manis dan segar untuk pengalaman vaping maksimal
E-liquid FOOM Guava Cherry 30MG – kombinasi jambu segar dan ceri manis dalam saltnic 50/50, memberikan sensasi throat hit smooth dan aroma kuat
Vape juice FOOM Guava Cherry Zodiac Series – rasa buah jambu dan ceri yang seimbang, cocok untuk FOOM Devices, tersedia dalam botol 30ML

GUAVA CHERRY - [Zodiac Series Flooid]

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Guava yang manis dan segar, dicampur dengan pekatnya buah cherry memang gak ada yang bisa ngalahin deh! Makanya FLOOID mempunyai rasa Guava Cherry dari series Zodiac untuk kamu yang kepengen nih cobain campuran buah yang baru!

Lychee x Raspberry
Mango x Cranberry
Guava x Cherry

Materials and Ingredients :
- Nicotine : 30 mg
- Volume : 30 mL
- PG / VG : 50 / 50

How to Use the Products:
- Bottle 30 ml
- We made it with a special bottle
- To open the bottle cap push down the cap and turn the cap counterclockwise and it safe for children
- To fill on the refillable cartridge
- Shake well before every use push the bottle until the liquid dropped

How to Care the Products:
1. Please store the product in a cool and dry place (room temperature: 20 - 25 c)
2. ⁠Avoid from direct sunlight
3. Keep the cap bottle closed after using the products

Materials and Ingredients :
* Saltnic PG:VG 50:50
* USP Propylene Glycol
* USP Vegetable Glycerin
* Natural Flavor

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