Vici Guava - WG Inhale Exhale Series | FOOM Lab Global
Liquid Saltnic Vici Guava Foom x Weird Genius, aroma segar dan manis, 50/50 PG/VG, 30ML, untuk pengalaman vaping yang menyegarkan.
Juicy Guava e-liquid dengan sensasi juicy & sour, 30MG nikotin, 30ML, ideal untuk pengguna FOOM Devices, rasa guava yang kuat.
Foom x Weird Genius Inhale Exhale Series

Vici Guava - WG Inhale Exhale Series

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Another reason to smile after a while :)

Inhale Exhale Series

Terinspirasi dari VENI, VIDI, VICI by Ancient Romans yang diartikan sebagai I CAME, I SAW, I CONQUERED.

VICI:Nikmati sensasi manis dan segar dari jambu yang unik, dengan rasa yang ringan namun memikat, membuat setiap gigitan semakin ingin dicoba lagi!

Cooling : 3/5
Bold : 4/5
Aroma : 4/5
Throat Hit : 3/5
Sweet : 4/5
Sensation  : Guava Juicy & sour

Get Pod X Weird Genius Here 

How to use the products:
* Bottle 30 ML We made it with a special bottle
* To open the bottle cap push down the cap and turn the cap counterclockwise and it safe for children
* To fill on the refillable cartridge Shake well before every use push the bottle until the liquid dropped

How to care the products:
* Please store the product in a cool and dry place (room temperature: 20 - 25 C)
* Avoid from direct sunlight
* Keep the cap bottle closed after using the products

the importance of social proof

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